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I do not know what connotation the term “ex” (as in ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend) might have in the American dating culture. Coming of age in China, and over the years watching myself and others falling head over heels in love, I have always felt that in a romantic relationship, this term is a magic word, the recipe for instant awkwardness. In some inexplicable ways, it brings out a sense of absence, a reminder of a past that the couple do not (and can never) share. And in other cases, it brings out nostalgia–the loving remembrance of one’s own past.

One interesting aspect about the Chinese culture is its fondness for history. There are numerous Chinese sayings about how we can learn so much from carefully analyzing our own past. We like to emphasize that we come from a nation with “five thousand years of glorious history”–it seems that the past, the past that we can no longer revisit, has become a piece of collective memory so entrenched that it defines us as a whole and brings us together. And in many cases, the past is also glorified and romanticized (whether the glorification is justified is quite another question). Time becomes the rosy glass that gives everything in the past a beautiful tint.

History never stops being part of the present–just like sometimes (no matter how much you hate it), ex-girlfriends come to visit. I am not denouncing the importance of the past–far from it. Yet my question is–when does remembering become excessive? We have all too readily recognized the importance of the past as an endless reservoir of enlightening knowledge. It is important to remember history: However, it is even more important to make history.


