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Beijing Pet Owners
Walking down the street today, I almost burst out laughing when I ran across the poster above.

I’ve never seen cartoon barbies in front of the big, red unmistakable logo of the Chinese Communist Party. At first, I thought it was a piece of postmodern art––some vague statement about materialism.But then, I realized they were serious.

In case you can’t read Chinese, the poster is actually a call for residents to register their pets. Every year, the local government leads a campaign for registrations. This year, they went all out with the marketing campaign. Instead of a standard high content, low entertainment decree, I was really impressed by the bright colors and happy cartoons.

I don’t have a pet here. But, if I ever get a dog, I will always remember to register her with the local government!

Beijing Pet Owners

今天在大街走路的时候,我看见上面的海报, 几乎放声大效。

我从来没看见过卡通芭比娃娃站在又大又红的中国共产党的标志前面。当时我以为只是一个后现代的艺术品- 很含糊地现代中国的唯物主义。


的情况下,如果你不会中文,这海报实际上是叫居民登记他们的宠物。当地政府每年都会实行登记的活动。今年,政府把所有的费力都集中在宣传攻势上。这些海报一般都是高含量,低娱乐, 可是今次鲜艳的色彩和快乐的卡通令我印象深刻。

我在这里没有宠物。 但如果我决定要一只狗,我一定会记得跟当地政府登记。