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A few months ago, I was doing work alone in my apartment. I’m on a research scholarship to study Chinese politics, and much prefer my quiet hutong over the loud bustle of anywhere else in Beijing. On this particularly day, I was interrupted by a phone call. It was the U.S. Embassy. They don’t normally call me.

The embassy official asked me to give a speech about being an American student in China. The audience was to include Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, State Councilor Liu Yandong (the highest ranking female politician in China), Ambassador Gary Locke, and a crowd of 200 high level business people and government officials. I had seven days to write it. In Chinese.

I wasted no time and reached out for help from my Chinese and American friends. We stayed up night after night, writing and rewriting, translating back and forth between Chinese and English, to get the meaning and tone just right. We wrote about the challenge of breaking out of our comfort zones to become real friends with people from a different culture. We talked about hope, how we as young Chinese and Americans can help our countries understand each other and avoid conflict. My friends politely listened as I nervously practiced the speech.

Finally, after seven days of writing and rehearsals, I arrived at the Chinese National Museum in Tiananmen Square. My hands started shaking even before I found my seat. My Chinese is good, but not perfect. But this wasn’t about showing off language skills. I felt that I had something important to say.

Before I knew it, I was standing on the stage going through my speech. I was shocked and delighted when I looked out at the audience and realized that the Chinese and Americans were not only listening but sharing broad smiles.

No place else in the world will a 23-year-old American have such an opportunity just for working hard to immerse himself in another culture. Nowhere else can I gather a dozen Chinese and Americans to spend nights and weekends helping me prepare. Nowhere else are two governments so strongly focused on people-to-people exchange in order to ensure the future of their relationship.

After the event, I got to meet Secretary Clinton, Liu Yandong, and so many other really interesting people. It was truly a life-changing experience. But, at the end of the day, I’m still just a student. I took the subway back to my hutong, grabbed a $0.70 煎饼 (or fried pancake), and fell right asleep. Only in Beijing…




Author: Dan Tedesco



