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I’d like to talk to you about loss.

Before you call me depressing, I’d like to confess that I’m a self-dubbed optimist. Not the cheers-for-all, wide-eyed (hopefully not, unless you mistake my occasional spaciness for naivete), perpetually smiley kind, but someone who usually finds something good to say about everything.

And, I think there is something good about loss. More specifically, I think there is something good that arises out of the way we can approach loss and deal with change.

Let’s back up and get a little personal.

When I was 12, my parents decided that I needed a proper British education, and sent me off to boarding school in the UK. Which was all fine and dandy, except that upon graduation I had to deal with the disconcerting reality of having friends and relations who lived in not one, but two corners of the world, a struggle complicated by the fact that I decided to attend college in the US rather than in Britain or Hong Kong. Who was I to keep in touch with? Only those who live in Hong Kong, where my parents reside, given that I am bound to go home during vacations? My closest friends, whose permanent residences were in several different countries around the world? Unlike most kids who go to college and come back to their hometowns during break to discover that their high school friends have either changed little (quite likely) or changed drastically (somewhat likely) since graduation, I was not going to have the privilege of seeing most of my friends more than once or twice a year. This was a painful prospect for someone who had lived away from home for most of her adolescence, and for whom peers at boarding school had become family.

Now, the details of this story may not be exactly familiar to everyone here. But I think that the feelings of being uprooted and the fear of losing connections are no strangers to the many of us who have ever moved away.

To cut a long story short, I tried hard to keep in touch with all the people that I thought I cared about. And
just as surely as I felt that they mattered in my life, many of my efforts were—or at least seemed at the time—to be wasted. Phone calls went unheard, emails unanswered, Facebook stalks ineffective, until I felt like I was a mess over my inability to keep relationships—or rather, keep people close. Besides having to adjust to higher academic pressures and make new friends at university, I was now miserable over how little old friends seem to care and the glum existential fact of how fast people can disappear from your life. To put my distress during that time into perspective, I used to spend every plane ride at the beginning of my college years crying myself to sleep, wondering how this all happened and how it might be stopped. It seemed to me then as if all the people or things one gained in life were, eventually, only to be lost. Was life so cruel that this must go on forever?

For years, this belief in the inevitability and negativity of loss taught me to be cautious in my dealings with people and the way that I approached life, often ending in my avoidance of owning up to my real sentiments, or avoiding liking anyone or anything altogether.

Then, one day, something strange happened. I found myself booking a ticket to Turkey to meet up with two British friends, one of whom I hadn’t seen or spoken to in over a year. Together, the three of us spent two wonderful weeks in the Mediterranean eating endless bowls of hummus, fresh mussels with rice by the beach, and more pieces of baklava (little puffy pastries) than could ever be good for you. Soon enough, I also flew to Singapore, Barcelona and Taiwan, all on the pretense of visiting the places but really to see people I knew who were there. These visits turned into something magical: old friendships were rekindled, and new ones made with people I had met but not known for years. Filled with laughter and fun, these meetings also made me realise how many of my friends I have kept with me through the years. Even with the geographical distances between us and not seeing one another for years, their characters and thoughts have still influenced mine.

And that is when I realised something important: that you can’t really lose what matters.

Let me say that again: you can’t lose what matters.

At least, though they may sometimes seem to leave our lives forever, the really important people will always come back to you in one way or another. During these recent visits, I have learnt that life is a circle that brings you back to the same spot and the same people with more meaning and more wisdom. And those whom I thought mattered but never spoke to again (or, more realistically, whose facebook profiles I lately fail to stalk with interest) are just that: people you never speak to again. At least not until they matter again. And that is alright, because if they do end up mattering, you will know when they do.

After all, isn’t all that losing touch just part of life’s grander scheme of loss? The best part about this view is that that it makes one realise we don’t just lose; we gain. Some call this grace, others luck, but whatever we say, all of us, I believe, have experienced being given something good unexpectedly. A new friend made in a chance encounter. Discovering an old scarf at the back of the closet that goes perfectly with a new outfit. How are we to gain if we do not clear the space first? Losing is a part of the game, especially in our globalised age where being uprooted is a frequent and even normal experience that we should not try to avoid or be afraid of. The two most important lessons I ever learned from moving away are: Remember that life will treat you with kindness and compassion, if you let it; and, live in the moment.

So lose your friends occasionally—or perhaps, lose your money, your belongings, your place of residence, and lose them bravely. Soon enough, you will gain them back, or find something new. Whatever happens, just don’t lose hope. When the old washes away, we will find more than we ever thought we had—even if that just means more space in our hearts and a clearer head with which to face the future, knowing that what is important can never really leave us.











