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Many of us in the U.S. were very excited for the first debate of the 2012 presidential election last week, especially those of us like me who have the right to vote for the very first time. At the same time, people who don’t have the right to vote in the U.S. presidential election — citizens of other countries — were also very excited!

The debate received extensive coverage in the greater Chinese media. Check out this hilarious “recap” of the U.S. presidential debate by a Taiwanese media company. It’s fascinating to see how different parts of the world and different cultures can have their own distinct style of media — I love watching Taiwanese media in particular.  It’s cartoon-filled, ridiculous, and snarky. It’s like Jay Leno or Jon Stewart being on 60 Minutes. I’m looking forward to seeing the next “recap.” Right now the score is: Romney vs. Obama —1:0.

上周举行的美国2012年总统大选的首场辩论吸引了在美国的我们中很多人的眼球,我们都感到非常的兴奋与期待,特别是我们这些人当中,像我一样第一次拥有选举权的人。同时,那些在美国总统大选中无法投票的人 – 其他国家的公民 – 也仍旧对此次大选热情高涨!

此次辩论得到了中国广大媒体的全面报道。看看这个一家台湾传媒公司制作的超级搞笑的关于美国总统大选辩论的“重述”。看看世界上这些不同地方不同文化背景的媒体人们各自独特的风格是一件令人非常愉悦的事情 – 我最喜欢的就是观看台湾媒体的新闻报道。它是充满卡通的,搞笑的,并且带着很强的讥讽意味的。这就像杰伊·莱诺或乔恩·斯图尔特在60分钟中的表现一样。我期待着看到下一个“重述”。现在的比分是:罗姆尼对奥巴马,1:0领先。