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As I mentioned in my last blog post, I’ve recently taken to collecting quotes on a large virtual sticky note on my computer screen. I find them comforting and inspiring to look at. One quote that I collected was from a conversation I had this past summer with a colleague.

We were at a cocktail event, chatting about our work experiences, and as the oldest among us (he was about 30 among us 20-somethings), he talked about his best pieces of advice for us, looking back on his years in our positions. One quote that really resonated with me was his advice to take every day as a clean slate. Life happens — and life happens at work. You make mistakes. You’re grumpy. You didn’t finish the work you meant to finish the day before. You made a bad impression on your friends or colleagues at work because you were having a bad day. The point is, everyone has bad days, and you can’t let those one or two bad days carry over. Oftentimes, people feel that they have been “dug into a rut” so to speak, in which they keep digging themselves deeper and deeper, and at some point, there is no way out.

My friend’s point, however, was that no matter how deeply you think you’ve dug yourself into a rut, when you come into work—or school—or life for that matter, the next day, think of it like you have gotten a brand new slate, all wiped clean. It seems like a trivial piece of advice, but I’ve found that just thinking of each day like a clean slate helps me to view the day optimistically. Having that optimism is a wonderful medicine to any troubles.


