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I normally do not get acne, but this past week, I unfortunately developed a very large and unsightly pimple just to the side of the bridge of my nose.  Naturally, I was mortified, and tried every possible way to get rid of it—covering it up with makeup, smothering it in acne medicine I bought from the store, and hoping to God it would just go away!  To my horror, it gradually got worse (before getting better more recently thankfully), but while it was at its worst, I believe I actually derived some benefit.

Every one of us is no doubt extremely conscious of our appearance, and our self-confidence has a great deal to do with our appearance as well.  Pimples, unfortunately, distort our appearances.  With this horrific pimple on my nose, I personally felt extremely self-conscious and nervous about seeing, speaking, and especially making eye-contact with people—even my best friends—because I constantly felt like they were judging me.

When my pimple was at its worst, however, and I realized there really was nothing I could do about it, I also realized that my attitude was a big part of how awful it was to me.  I sulked for most of the day, and it affected my mood and even my productivity.  That’s when I decided things had to change.  Namely, I had no control over the pimple, but I could change my attitude.  As I changed my attitude, and ignored the pimple—acting as my usual happy, confident self—I became happier and felt like people were judging me less.  I was productive and confident again despite having the pimple there.

The key, I realized, is not appearance but attitude—positioning yourself with the right attitude in life is key to not only your own happiness and self-confidence, but your success in interacting with others as well.  So remember, you are beautiful—be confident and be yourself, always, no matter what annoying pimples may try to get in your way!

我一般不会长粉刺,但上个礼拜却有一颗又大又难看的粉刺不幸地突然长在我鼻梁的侧面。这当然把我急坏了,于是我试了各种方法想把它弄下去— 用化妆品遮盖;从商店买来药膏涂上;向上帝祈祷它快点消失!但吓人的是它当时竟然越弄越糟(当然幸亏最近几天终于是见好了)。然而这粉刺闹的最严重的时候却给我了一些特别的启迪,很是受用。


