Getting off the crowded peak hour morning bus in Shanghai, I walked into 魯迅公園 (Lu Xun Park), a childhood park my grandfather often took me to in the early 90’s. Spending time there was a refreshing break from the claustrophobic cabin fever I had developed living in my old home in one of Shanghai’s few remaining demolished neighbourhoods. Away from television’s incessant noise, the horns and the smog, I found early retirees creating their own devices of entertainment.
With few public facilities such as libraries, parks are fertile grounds for gossiping, dancing, singing and even matchmaking. This might be a result of China’s incredibly early retiring age in recent years in the city (you would struggle to find city women working into their 50s and city men into their late 50s).
Inside the gates, I thought I had stumbled on a concert in the park. Loud folk music clashed against each other inside the front entrance square as hundreds of elderly danced under green canopies. There were spaces for couples to dance to old ballads, spaces of people practising Tai-Chi in flowing velvety gowns of emerald, moron and navy. Singles danced to Latin music.
Around the lake I found a choir singing out old Maoist tunes, and immense passion came from a gray-haired man in his 70s who waved his shoulders to the Accordion tune.
Deeper in the park, old men brought their pet birds in wooden cages to a vantage point nestled by bamboo shoots. The dangling cages housed Asian Brown Flycatcher and Black-billed Magpies, their tunes at first piercing, and then calming.
“Young one, you stand too close, you are scaring them,” one of them chastened me.
“Excuse me, why are the newly arrived bird cages covered?” I asked.
“Let them get used to the environment first by listening and feeling,” they replied.
Even spouses can be found here. Large crowds mingled around glossy small posters hung up like underwear between branches.
“Woman: 35 years old, hardworking, good at housework, 1.65m, stable career”, read one.
Parents came here to find potential spouses for their children, usually swapping numbers with suitable candidates. Dates are arranged for their children to meet.
Big cities in China can be stressful, a little artificial, certainly commercial. Take a stroll in the park for a cultural detour the next time you feel a little overwhelmed, you won’t regret it.
清晨,我下了满载上班族的公共汽车,径直走进了鲁迅公园。记得在我小的时候,那会儿还是90年代初,我的祖父常常带我去那儿玩。我从前患有有闭恐惧症,住在 上海为数不多的破旧公寓里。而我在公园里呆的时间久了,我的病也好转了。为了远离电视的吵闹声、喇叭的喧闹和烟尘的污染,我发现那些早退休的人们创造了一 种他们独有的娱乐休闲方式。