Ken Froewiss (retired finance professional)
Mable Chan (One in a Billion Founder/President)
Kenneth Froewiss is a retired finance professional living in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He spent a post-college year studying at the Indian Statistical Institute in Calcutta and New Delhi. After serving in the United States Army, where he was trained as a Russian linguist, he obtained a Ph.D. in Economics. Then he joined the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco in the Department of Research. Subsequently, he worked on Wall Street at both Goldman Sachs and then JP Morgan, which he left after 17 years as head of the group providing investment banking services to the insurance and mutual funds industries.
In 1997, he began a second career as a Professor of Finance at the NYU Stern School of Business, where he taught until 2011 and where he was one of the three founding academic directors of the Trium Global Executive MBA program. Though he retired from full-time employment in 2011, he continues to serve on the U.S. boards of two global financial services firms. He has also been active in the alumni affairs of his alma mater, for which he chaired a dean’s advisory council. He is an avid reader, especially of history, and a lover of classical music, performances of which the Boston area is abundant. His lifelong fascination with foreign languages and cultures has led him to use some of his free time in retirement to attempt to learn Mandarin and German. He is married to Mable Chan, the founder of One in a Billion.
Mable Chan is the Founder and President of One in a Billion Productions (501c3), a Massachusetts-based educational media group dedicated to fostering Asian voices through a podcast, documentaries, video profiles, and personal blogs. For more, Click below links –
About Mable, About One in a Billion Season 1-6 Podcasts, Independent Films, Video Profiles, Blogs