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One of my favorite pastimes of childhood was drawing, so it does not surprise me that I’ve always been interested in visual arts and graphic designing. However, the last time I painted something was for an art class in middle school. I’d stopped telling people that I like to draw whenever I’m asked about my hobbies. I mean, does it really count as a hobby if the last time I was engaged with that hobby was more than ten years ago?

I’ve been meaning to pick up on it again, but it was easier said than done. Buying art tools will surely create more cluster in my already space-limited apartment. Also, I wasn’t even sure I have the time and energy, or even the passion, to create art anymore. My husband’s birthday in the past week, along with a friend’s invitation to a Paint Night event, however, gave me a perfect chance to find out.

I went to Paint Night knowing that I probably can’t paint as well as before, but since most people at Paint Night are not exactly professional (except for the instructor), I felt like I should fit in. And so, things went well. I was very excited to paint again, not seem to be forgetting much of the techniques. The experience was soothing and therapeutic even, the only downside being that they kicked us out after two hours (usually they are 2-hour sessions).

When I came back home with my painting, I left home immediately to buy paint kits and watercolor papers. It was a wonderful feeling — picking up a brush again. I used my new kit to add some finishing touches onto the Eiffel Tower in my painting, and gave it to my husband as his birthday present after I finished.

So have I “restarted” painting? Not completely. Recently I’ve been too busy still. But after this busy phase it’ll be the first thing that I do. Also, having the tools at hand reassures me that I can paint something any time, anywhere I want. So as an ending thought, losing a hobby is very easy, but reclaiming it is too.