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For Chinese high school students applying to U.S. colleges, the SAT is a big headache.

I spent the last five minutes in Section 10 (the last section in the SAT I test) praying that it would be the last five minutes I ever had to spend on the SAT. When my score came out, I was disappointed by its mediocrity, but I decided not to take it again, for I feared the torture of the SAT.

The real torment of the SAT is not the questions on the test, but the painstaking preparation process. I do not like repeating such a process, during which I had to do practice sets and try to remember vocabulary every waking hour, but some of my friends welcomed the challenge of taking the SAT multiple times.

Taking the SAT more than once requires more patience, for only through more practice can there be a better result. But in my opinion, the ultimate test is mental: it is about how well one can endure mentally during preparation (as well as the actual test).

Before the test, one has to overcome the jitters and fatigue. It is normal to get nervous for no apparent reason, and the distress makes it difficult to do anything. Thus, overcoming such disturbance is key to a smooth preparation process.

The fatigue also matters – my friends had to travel to places like Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore or even Thailand to take the SAT. The long flights are tiring and usually detrimental to test performance.

But other factors can also matter in significant ways. One of my friends went to Hong Kong alone and got sick after eating seafood the day before the test. It was hard to imagine her coping with illness on her own throughout the night and outlasting the four-hour SAT the next day. But she made it. She completed the test despite great pain in her stomach.

After all, this is how the SAT really shapes people. The test itself will soon be forgotten, but the process of overcoming the difficulties offers valuable life lessons.







